Australian satellites located two large objects that appear to be parts of an airplane floating in the southern Indian Ocean.

"New and credible information has come to light in relation to the search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean," Prime Minister Tony Abbott told the Australian House of Representatives on Wednesday evening.

"The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has received information based on satellite imagery of objects possibly related to the search," Abbott said. "Following specialist analysis of this satellite imagery, two possible objects related to the search have been identified."

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority held a press conference early Thursday morning:

  • The larger piece of debris spotted via satellite appears about 80 feet long.
  • Australia is coordinating search and rescue efforts with four aircraft accompanied by sea support.
  • It will take days for search teams to reach and examine the site.

John Young, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority's emergency response division general manager, described the possible debris as "probably the best lead we have right now."

"They are credible sightings," Young said, though he later cautioned that satellite images "do not always turn out to be related to the search even if they look good."

In response to the findings, Malaysian Defense Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said the information was "credible" but "still must be confirmed."

[image via AP]