ATTN Adults: Your Peer Miley Cyrus Glued Pot to a Dildo No Kids Allowed

Miley Cyrus has finally answered the question "What does it look like when Miley Cyrus does something?" The answer: Stuff with stuff on it.
I just sit around and smoke weed anyway, so I might as well sit around, smoke weed, and do something. And this is me doing something.
That's Cyrus explaining to V Magazine the creative force that drove her to assemble a collection of collaged sculptures that will make its public debut in New York City this week. The collection is called "Dirty Hippie." Cyrus, describes it as "a bunch of junk [glued] to stuff."
To help explain the vibe, here is a partial catalog of some of the works, as rendered in swears by the artist, Miley Cyrus:
This one's a vibrator, which I got from a fan. They threw it on stage. And that's a joint [attached to it], so that's the vibe.
This fucking banana was a hamster toy at Petco and I Bedazzled it.
[...] I did the pineapple because you know what they say about pineapple, right? Yummy cum? If you drink a lot of pineapple juice you're going to have yummy cum. So that's why I put it on the dick with a bunch of babies, and it says, "Fuck."
[T]his [party hat] is the first one I did and it's still not quite 100% done. It has an iPod player. You can play music. You put your auxiliary right there. It's like the ultimate party hat. During that 4th of July party, I saw this party hat and I thought it might be fun to glue some shit onto it. I just made it for myself to wear. And then someone was like, Oh this is great, you should keep going…
And then there's something like this, that you can take out and it's bubbles.
The collection also includes a mask with toy bears[1] glued to it.
Cyrus told V she threw herself into gluing a bunch of junk to shit to lift her spirits during a difficult year in which her beloved dog, Floyd, died and she was briefly hospitalized while on tour.
I had a bunch of fucking junk and shit, and so instead of letting it be junk and shit, I turned it into something that made me happy.
But the singer cautions that while money can buy you a lot of junk, shit, and a wide variety of adhesive substances to combine the two, it cannot buy you serenity of spirit.
They say money can't buy happiness and it's totally true. Money can buy you a bunch of shit to glue to a bunch of other shit that will make you happy, but besides that, there's no more happiness. There's no point in me focusing on getting any fucking richer. Obviously the shit you buy doesn't make you happier because I'm sitting here gluing a bunch of junk to stuff.
The sculptures will debut on September 10 in Manhattan as part of clothing designer Jeremy Scott's runway show. The collection will then be moved to V's office gallery.
[1]Lil toy bears, I mean.