According to TMZ, Justin Bieber is looking to buy a massive mansion in Atlanta's tony Buckhead neighborhood because he wants to be close to the city's rap scene lick stripper nipples. The rich people of Buckhead are less than enthused about his move.

UPDATE: Alas, this was a talk radio hoax. Apologies to the Beliebers of Buckhead.

In fact, a group of them called the "Buckhead Neighborhood Coalition" is staging a protest on Monday at 421 Blackland Road, which happens to be the exact address of the $11 million dollar home Bugatti Biebs has his eye on. On the Facebook page for the event, the be-ascotted lay out their case:

As a community here in Buckhead, we have worked hard to achieve our goals and get to where we are. Justin Bieber's relocation to Atlanta can be nothing but bad for our children, as well as the community. Some can't even let their children play in the driveway without fear; he has raced vehicles under the influence, before. What's to say he won't do it again? As a home owner down the street from this residence, one can assume many people will be contacting real estate agents soon enough.

I'll give them this: Justin Bieber will probably drive drunk and/or stoned down Blackland Road at some point, if he hasn't already. That's going to happen.

But, naturally, this protest isn't really about Bieber. It's about anyone who might puncture the bubble that Buckhead's finest have created for themselves by just working so damn harder than everyone else:

Please do not allow a child to ruin what we have worked so hard to obtain.


[image via Getty]