Fuck bees, seriously.

The AP reports that a Wichita Falls, Texas street department worker was recently stung about 1,000—one thousand!—times by Africanized honey bees while mowing the lawn of a tennis center. The bees also attacked two of his co-workers while they attempted to save him from his bee nightmare:

[Spokesman Barry] Levy says two co-workers also were stung when they came to the man's aid. One worker fled into a nearby tennis center, bringing the swarm with him.

How dare those bees force that human into looking like a human cartoon! The AP reports that the tennis center, a nearby trail, and part of a golf course will remain closed until personnel can confirm that the Satan bees have returned to hell.

All of the men were hospitalized and are, to the presumed chagrin of those asshole bees, currently in good condition.

[image via Shutterstock.]