The artist who recently announced a gallery show featuring stolen nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton has decided not to go through with it. He'll exhibit his own nudes instead, which he feels is pretty much the same thing, artistically.

XVALA said he pulled the stolen celebrity nudes from his "No Delete" exhibit (the title has become somewhat ironic in hindsight) after realizing that celebrity women are people.

"It wasn't just about being 'hacked' images anymore, but now presented in the media as stolen property," he told Page Six, "People were identifying with Jennifer Lawrence's and Kate Upton's victimization, much more than I had anticipated, which is powerfully persuasive."

Cory Allen Contemporary Art, the St. Petersburg, Fla., gallery hosting the show, said the nudes were pulled due to a public petition, which Allen found "inspiring."

Instead of life-size naked photos of Lawrence and Upton, XVALA will be blowing up his own dick.

"This concept was always about self-examination in our current culture, why we feel the need to know and cross the lines of other individuals' privacy," he explained-ish.

By choosing to display naked photos of himself, he'll be able to empathize with the women whose stolen nudes he wanted to show without their consent, because those are definitely equivalent violations of privacy. This guy really gets it.

You'll be able to see his dong starting Oct. 30.

[h/t Uproxx, Photo: Getty Images]