A gamer with a popular channel on streaming site Twitch.tv was robbed early Monday morning by a man with a gun, who broke into her home while she was in the middle of a match. Her webcam caught part of the burglary, and fans quickly uploaded the video to YouTube.

Nikki Elise, a.k.a Sajedene, was at home in Phoenix, Ariz., broadcasting herself playing the insanely popular real-time strategy game DOTA 2, when shouts broke out in the next room.

She jumped up to investigate, and the next thing the camera caught was a man entering her room with a gun.

The intruder stole Elise's own guns, her computer, and some other items before her teammates realized anything was wrong—they eventually found out from viewers in the live chat on Twitch.

A reporter who knows Elise confirmed on Twitter that she's "very shaken up" but otherwise okay, and she went to the police this morning.

Her Twitch channel has been shut down since the robbery.

[H/T Daily Dot]