When Amy Wellman got yet another call from an advance fee scammer asking her for a bank account number in order to route a large sum of money with no strings attached she didn't get mad, she got out her camera and recorded herself messing with the telemarketer's mind.

Though the scammer initially claimed Wellman won an $8,000 grant from the nonexistent U.S. Government Treasury Grant Department in "the Washington D.C.," the 24-year-old Scottsdale resident managed to quickly bump that up to $8,400.

Asking if it mattered that she was a criminal, the scammer said it didn't, but did have some stipulations as to how the money could be spent.

The cash, she said, could be used only for "good purposes" such as starting a business or paying off loans. "Bad purposes" such as drugs and gambling were off limits.

"But the weed's okay," Wellman inquired. "Yes," the scammer confirmed. "As long as that one's okay, I'm fine," Wellman replied.

With the Terms of Service settled, Wellman was finally ready to hand over her account number to a complete stranger who was obviously lying to her.

"The name of [my] bank is Piggy Bank," Wellman tells the scammer. "Is it a checking account or a savings account?" the scammer asks. "I guess you'd call it a savings account," Wellman responds. "I've saved up a lot in my piggy bank."

And it goes on like that.

"Everyone wants to mess with the (scammers) because they're tired of getting called and messed with daily," Wellman told CBS 5. "I don't know. It's that sweet revenge type of story."

[screengrab via YouTube]