Tiny yappy dogs have taken over the streets of a small town in Arizona, chasing young children while their parents apparently cower inside, frantically redialing 311 — Maryvale Animal Control received more than 6,000 calls in the last year alone.

According to ABC 15, the four-legged Napoleons first conquered the area's animal shelters, then turned to recruiting protection for their bone-running crew.

"Well the last time I seen six or seven Chihuahuas... and big dogs running with the Chihuahua's in a pack running every single day," Frank Garcia told Fox 10.

But Animal Control says they've been so inundated with calls they don't have the manpower to patrol the streets.

Now residents say that the Chihuahuas have won — packs of 10-15 dogs have started to chase local children to school.

[Image via ABC 15]