Page Six reported this morning that human Bratz! doll Ariana Grande's life coach/choreographer quit because she's such a diva. Or possibly, he was fired because he was "telling rumors around town." Or maybe he forced her not to eat?

Page Six doesn't name the employee, but according to Arianators on Twitter, the report likely refers to choreographer Isaac Calpito. He was Grande's employee from the very beginning and perhaps influenced her to become a Kabbalist. He's also been posting pics of Mariah Carey on Instagram lately. (Shade.) His side of the story? He wasn't fired, and all the rumors are "lies."

In a series of tweets, Calpito protested a little too much, insisting, "I wish Ariana the BEST and even if I had a story to sell....I wouldn't." Then he drops this bomb:

Which perhaps explains why Ariana's weave weighs more than she does. No wonder she reportedly hopes all her fans "fucking die." She's hungry!

For her part, Ariana's been posting cryptic tweets about "those who are unkind."

If you know what went down between the two, feel free to email

[Photos via Getty, Ariana wiki]