Danny Kedem, the campaign manager for Anthony Weiner's embattled run for mayor of New York finally quit yesterday, after this week's campaign-crushing revelation that Weiner continued to sext with strangers long after he left congress (and that he sent strangers more pictures of his dong).

"Danny has left the campaign. He did a remarkable job," Weiner told the New York Post.

Kedem joined the nascent campaign earlier this year, after several more high-profile political operatives declined. Kedem was running a shockingly successful campaign, where Weiner actually pulled ahead in the race, all to see the campaign implode after Weiner revealed himself to be Carlos Danger.

But, according to Weiner, people are still eager to jump on the good ship Danger. "We have an excellent staff. More people have come on, frankly," he said. "We've gotten more volunteers and more people coming over to help the campaign in the last several days than anytime since the campaign started."