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The federal investigators who are tasked with determining whether Chicago Police Department cops are enforcing the law in a racially biased manner might start by listening to a police radio recording which surfaced online recently, in which a (presumably white) cop can be heard referring to his (presumably black) colleagues as “typical fucking niggers.”

The clip was apparently pulled from a police radio scanner by a local radio station, then made its way to the wider internet via the Daily Beast. At about 30 seconds in, a male cop flirts with a female dispatcher, asking her, “How many boyfriends do you have?” She responds with “Why you all in my Kool-Aid?”

About 10 seconds later, a third cop weighs in: “Typical fucking niggers.”

The other cops on the radio are clearly distressed: one cop says, “Find out what radio that comment came from,” and the dispatcher answers, “We don’t get radio numbers but I’m already hollering for my supervisor.”

Then, someone else says, “All black lives matter, man. Fucking nigger.” As the Daily Beast notes, it’s unclear if the comment was made by another cop being racist or a black cop lamenting what was just said over the air.

Will Calloway, a leading activist in the battle to release the Laquan McDonald video, told the Daily Beast that the offending cop should be identified and fired.