Americans don't trust anything they can't see with their own two eyes, except for government assurances of nefarious activities by strategically hated foreign enemies. That's why see-thru packaging is now "a must" for all American garbage foodstuffs.

It's not just meat we want to look at; the Wall Street Journal says that food companies in all areas of foodlike-substance are rushing to make their packaging see-thru, so that Americans can peer into the package before they buy it and conclude, wrongly, "mmm—looks tasty." How bitter have the see-thru packaging wars become? This bitter:

Earlier this year, Kind Healthy Snacks, maker of bars and granola in transparent packages, sued competitor Clif Bar & Co. for switching to transparent wrappers on its fruit-and-nut bar...

As Clif worked to redesign its Mojo bars, it hoped to use transparent wrappers "to compete head-to-head with Kind," according to court documents that cite internal Clif Bar employee emails. Clif now sells Mojo bars in clear wrappers... The suit is ongoing, says a Kind spokeswoman.

Hey.... you can't let people see your bars. That's somehow wrong.

[Photo: FB]