Amanda Bynes released an apologetic statement through a lawyer today, after recordings of her threatening to murder her family leaked online. "I'm sorry I trusted people who clearly were not my friends and capitalized on my illness," she said. "I am doing my best to get better."

Bynes told Access Hollywood through her attorney David Esquibias:

I am truly sorry for the statements I made. I am sorry for any pain I caused my family and others. I am thankful for everyone's patience and understanding. I never expected others to take advantage and profit from my condition. I'm disappointed with those who lulled me into a false sense of security only to find out they really are only interested in selling my privacy to the media.

The recordings, which were released by TMZ on Saturday, are disturbing. You can hear Amanda talking about slitting her dad's throat on the one below. TMZ says Amanda's West Hollywood roommates made the tapes, and "members of Amanda's family tell TMZ ... they wanted us to post the audio ... which could be a wake-up call for medical professionals to intervene and get her help."

Amanda's parents are reportedly in the process of transferring their conservatorship of Amanda to a mental health professional.

[Photo via Splash News]