An American Airlines flight from LAX to London was delayed for 17 hours after a passenger noticed an available WiFi network named "Al-Quida Free Terror Nettwork" and alerted the plane's crew.

As ABC Los Angeles reports, passengers, told there was "some sort of maintenance issue," were forced to wait on the plane for three hours. The flight, originally scheduled to take off from LAX Sunday night at 8 p.m. was rescheduled until 1 p.m. local time today. (Yeesh.)

Anthony Simon, Head of Digital at the UK Government Communication and a passenger on the flight, put the WiFi network and its spelling-challenged owner on blast, telling the Daily Mail, "Thanks to the idiot who did this meaning I won't get back to London for another day."

Police told ABC Los Angeles that they are "gathering more information" and "assessing the situation."

All said, it looked like "Al-Quida Free Terror Nettwork" had a pretty strong signal...

[Screengrab via ABC Los Angeles]