Al Qaeda can't stop apologizing. Five weeks after an affiliate of the terror group sought forgiveness for cutting off the wrong guy's head, the Yemeni branch of Al Qaeda has apologized for an assault on a Yemeni hospital during a terror attack two weeks ago that left 52 people dead.

In a video released by Al-Malahim, Al Qaeda's media outlet, the commander of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula blamed the incident on one terrorist who disobeyed orders not to enter the hospital within the Yemeni Defense Ministry's complex, which was the target of the attack.

"Now we acknowledge our mistake and guilt," Qassim al-Raimi said in the video, according to the Associated Press. "We offer our apology and condolences to the victims' families. We accept full responsibility for what happened in the hospital and will pay blood money for the victims' families."

Surveillance footage of the violence in the hospital aired on Yemeni TV.

"We saw what the Yemeni channel broadcast: a gunman entering a hospital... We did not order him to do so, and we are not pleased with what he did," Raimi said. "Moreover, it wronged us and pained us, because we do not fight in this manner."

Of course, the mistake won't deter Al Qaeda's mission. Raimi said "we are continuing with our Jihad," targets for which include any posts or military bases that "cooperate with the American drones spying, planting chips, providing information or offering intelligence advice."

"We have a long list of these places," he added.

[Image via AP]