Lonely child-killer George Zimmerman will walk free again. On Friday, prosecutors in Florida dropped aggravated assault charges against Zimmerman after his ex-girlfriend recanted her story and reportedly stopped cooperating with authorities.

"While it is clear that the officers had probable cause to arrest Mr. Zimmerman which was affirmed by the circuit court judge at initial appearances, the subsequent recantation by the victim of her initial statement along with new documents provided by the victim and her attorney precludes my office from proceeding further," State Attorney Phil Archer said in a prepared statement released Friday morning.

Three weeks ago, Lake Mary Police officers arrested Zimmerman after his ex-girlfriend, identified as 28-year-old Brittany Brunelle, said he threw a wine bottle at her and smashed her cell phone during an argument. Three days after the arrest, Brunelle gave a sworn statement asking that no charges be filed against Zimmerman.

"The statements issued by the Lake Mary Police Department are not accurate," Brunelle said in a handwritten note that accompanied her sworn statement, according to ABC News. "I do not want to be contacted by the Lake Mary Police Department or the State Attorney's Office."

This is the third time Zimmerman has been accused of domestic violence and had charges dropped since he was acquitted of murdering unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin in 2013. Three months after the acquittal, he was arrested after allegedly pulling a gun on his then-wife. Two months later, he was arrested again for allegedly smashing his then-girlfriend's table and pointing a shotgun at her.

[Image via AP]