Ya boy Ethan Couch is leaving Mexico today on a commercial flight to Dallas, Texas, according to Mexican immigration officials. He is ready to face the music in the U.S., his Mexican attorney Fernando Benitez told NBC News yesterday: “I believe he is relieved to be coming back. I think he has come to terms with this.”

At first, Couch appealed his deportation back the states, but he has apparently had a change of heart. “He decided that he would much rather face American justice than drag it out here in Mexico,” Benitez said.

Couch was apprehended with his mother Tonya in the resort town of Puerto Vallarta last month. Tonya, who has already been deported back to the U.S., has been charged with hindering the apprehension of a felon. Couch will face charges of violating his probation in a 2013 drunk driving case. He killed four people in the accident and was sentenced only to probation after his lawyer argued he suffered from “affluenza” (not a real disease).

Couch’s dog, Virgil, remains lost in Mexico.

Photo via AP. Contact the author at allie@gawker.com.