In a yearly industry ranking of U.S. airlines, high-flying iPad simulacrum Virgin Airlines stole the top spot for the second year in a row, due to its baggage handling and capability to show up mostly on time. Its unfettered access to hot new tracks and complimentary "welcome cocktails" was not counted.

The fifteen major airlines were analyzed statistically by customer complaints, baggage handling, on-time performance, and denied boardings. Frontier Airlines registered the highest number of customer complaints per travelers, while Southwest complaints were low, perhaps due to the sheer daunting magnitude of trying to communicate with Southwest.

The study is performed by Dean Headley and Brent Bowen at Wichita State University and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, respectively, and can be read in its fascinating entirety here. Next year, we propose adding "How Party Is Your Airline" to skyrocket Virgin's percentage rank.

Here are where the rest of our beloved airlines stand:

  1. Virgin America
  2. JetBlue
  3. Hawaiian
  4. Delta
  5. Alaska
  6. Endeavor Air
  7. US Airways
  8. Southwest
  9. American
  10. AirTran
  11. Frontier
  12. United
  13. ExpressJet
  14. SkyWest
  15. American Eagle

[Image via Virgin]