It's summer! In the city! So much to add to your seasonal to-do list, including: a bounce castle filled with enormous inflatable tits at Manhattan's Museum of Sex.

"Jump for Joy" is the centerpiece of Funland: Pleasures & Perils of the Erotic Playground, a new exhibition by the art-and-design duo Bompas & Parr, which also features a search for the G-spot through a mirrored maze and a climbing wall with cocks (and other body parts) instead of rocks.

If any of that makes you feel awkward, all the better, according to one of the minds behind the show. From New York:

Won't this all be a little awkward to attend with friends or dates? I ask, in a couple different ways. Parr counters: "You know, it's actually nice to have some awkwardness, some realness. So much of socializing is just chat and spoff. Here you can see a real person, you see that people are real human beings."

We agreed that we would feel strange about this as a first-date locale, but thought maybe a third date would be fine.

"Funland" opened yesterday, and closes spring 2015. Take your special someone.

[Images via Museum of Sex]