In a story straight out of the second act of a high school graduation movie, a bitchin' spring break in the Gulf of Mexico was ruined this weekend when Alabama police busted a group of teens hauling their fun juice across state lines.

But even though the teens were forced to forfeit what amounts to quite a bit of beer money—not all of it theirs, doubtless—it seems like these dumb kids did everything they could to get caught. Via the Baton Rouge Advocate:

First, they broke traffic laws:

The students, Harrison Coogan, 18; Brandon Barber, 19; Hunter Coker, 18; and Carson Buckner, 19, were on Interstate 10 in a Ford pickup that was towing a trailer with an expired tag when they were stopped by deputies, said Lori Myles, a Mobile County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman.

Then they consented to a search?!??!??????

During the stop, the pickup’s driver gave deputies consent to search the trailer, where authorities found nearly 2,000 beers, five liters of boxed wine and eight bottles of liquor, Myles said.

Among the confiscated alcoholic beverages were 106 18-packs of Natural Light beer, five 12-packs of Corona beer and five liters of Franzia boxed wine. Several bottles of tequila, vodka, whiskey and rum also were collected by deputies.

And then they narced on their friends???????

The students, who identified themselves to deputies as fraternity members, were en route to the beach to meet “a larger group of people for the week of spring break,” Myles said.

Dang. Might have to watch the festivities from home this year boys.

[ image via Flickr]

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