A New Jersey woman watched her husband bleed out from a gunshot wound for nearly half an hour, according to 911 calls from the fatal Short Hills mall carjacking released this week.

Jamie and Dustin Friedland were carjacked at gunpoint as they loaded their 2012 silver Range Rover with holiday gifts on the third level of a parking structure connected to the upscale Mall at Short Hills around 9 pm on December 15.

Dustin, 30, was shot as he struggled with his assailants. Jamie, who was inside the car at the time, was pulled out but left unhurt. Now, according to the 911 calls, it appears Dustin lay dying for as long as half an hour before paramedics were able to respond.

"My husband has been shot. We called an ambulance a half an hour ago. Where is the ambulance?" Jamie asks in the 911 call.

Millburn Police Chief Gregory Weber told the Star Ledger eighteen minutes passed before the Volunteer First Aid team reached the parking lot, but that it took additional time for first responders to roll a stretcher up to the third level of the parking structure because the ambulance was too big to fit under the low entrance. .

Dustin Friedland died about three hours later at Morristown Medical Center.

Four men were arrested last month — Karif Ford, 31, Basim Henry, 32, Kevin Roberts, 35, and Hanif Thompson, 29, after police found video of them driving a Chevrolet Suburban registered to Henry's mom to the crime scene.

[image via AP]