The Dutch people are finally throwing off the shackles of their oppressive monarchy after the soon-to-be-king Willem-Alexander revealed his "King's Song" ( a signature of his royal lineage), "Het Koningslied." The song, composed by the British-Dutch producer John Ewbank, and performed by over 50 Dutch artists, is a sweeping composition that features rap and electronic music, a break from the more traditional songs favored by previous monarchs.

The song, which was released on Friday morning, has become the target of an online campaign to get rid of it, so the people of the Kingdom of the Netherlands won't have to listen to it, as is demanded by their nascent king, 4-5 times a day (jk). But still, they really hate it. An online petition, titled "No To The King's Song," writes that "In protest at this imbecilic 'King's Song', I hereby abdicate as a Dutch subject." The petition has now received over 37,000 signatures.

In response to the petition, Ewbank has now withdrawn the five-minute song from consideration as a King's Song.

The BBC writes,

Some critics complained about lines such as: "I build a dyke with my bare hands and keep the water away" and "through wind and rain I'll stand beside you... I'll keep you safe as long as I live".

The song, which has shot to the top of the Dutch iTunes charts, is not that bad. Not bad enough to warrant such a popular response. Perhaps this just the beginning of a "Dutch Spring"? Are the Dutch people, by rejecting a symbolic, meaningless song, signaling a rejection of their brutal monarchy as a whole?

While Willem-Alexander promises to be a "traditional king" who will resist being a "protocol fetishist," is it possible that he is shrewdly bombarding his people with devastatingly bad rap anthems, softening them up before beginning his reign of royal music terror?