While many shake their head in disbelief at the continued existence of a segregated high school prom well into the 21st century, Georgia governor Nathan Deal, in whose state the aforementioned "separate-but-equal proms" are taking place, refuses to express support for an effort to hold Wilcox County's first ever integrated prom.

But not because he wishes to remain impartial.

Quite the contrary: In a statement released to Macon's WMAZ-TV, Deal's spokesman Brian Robinson rejected a request to take a side on the issue, calling it a "silly publicity stunt" organized by "a leftist front group for the state Democratic party."

That "leftist front group" — The ProgressNow affiliate Better Georgia — has reached out to other elected officials in the state, and several, both Democrat and Republican, have responded.

Including State House Majority Whip Edward Lindsey (R-Atlanta), whose mother was born in Wilcox County, and whose grandfather owned a farm there.

"If there is one thing I have learned in politics it is that you get a whole lot more done if you do not care who gets the credit," Lindsey wrote in response to another Republican's show of support for the cause.

In addition to his comment, Lindsey also joined the thousands who have donated funds to help make the integrated prom impossible to ignore.

And the long overdue seeds of change appear to have taken root: The school has announced plans to discuss holding an official, fully integrated prom, starting next year.

[photo via Facebook]