Let's say your brother was going to stand trial in June for shooting and killing an unarmed black teenager. What would you do? Would you keep your mouth shut? Or would you tweet at the NAACP and the NRA about black teens? Robert Zimmerman, brother of the George Zimmerman who killed Trayvon Martin last year, has chosen the latter:

On Saturday, Zimmerman went on a Twitter tirade against "black teens," equating the boy killed by his brother with De'Marquise Elkins, the 17-year-old suspect in the murder of a Georgia infant. [...]

Zimmerman tweeted the photo at Michael Moore, the NAACP, the NRA, and a Breitbart.com editor. He followed it up with another comparison between the two, tweeting "Teen to West: "Do you want me to shoot your baby?" #TrayvonMartin to #GeorgeZimmerman: You're gonna die tonight Motherf**ker."

Zimmerman claims he was "[m]aking a pt abt media," which he seems to believe "suppressed" Martin's "'self-portraits.'" He is still tweeting as of this writing.
