It's a rough month to be a racist civil service worker in New York.

Just last week, Joseph Cassano—the son of Fire Department commissioner Salvatore J. Cassano—resigned following a series of hate-filled tweets aimed at pretty much anyone who's not a white dude. And now EMS Lt. Timothy Dluhos has been caught in a similar public hate-rant scandal.

Dluhos, who used an image of Hitler as his twitter profile photo and tweeted under the name "Bad Lieutenant," became a "blubbering crybaby" when confronted about his racist, sexist, anti-Semitic tweets by the New York Post (which is somewhat understandable because we all know that being called a racist is like, the worst thing that could ever happen to you.) Dluhos told the paper, "There has got to be a lot worse out there than me," after he broke down crying, "My life is ruined. Oh, my God. I'm so sorry."

Are you though, Dluhos?

His tweets ranged from racist and hateful to just straight up creepy. Dluhos' twitter account has been deleted, but the Post was kind enough to offer up some of his tweets:

"Hahaha! I work with the coloreds," he wrote in a Feb. 8 exchange. "For 12 years so that s—t just run off on me."

"I'm going to give up racial insults for Lent," he tweeted Feb. 12. "Jesus that didn't [last] too long. F—ken chinks can't drive."

"But at least I know my taxes go to the ‘undocumented' citizens and lazy asses who do drugs all day," Dluhos wrote March 15.

"But at least I know my taxes go to the ‘undocumented' citizens and lazy asses who do drugs all day," Dluhos wrote March 15.

"I'm really a dirty pervert. I see a girl with tight pants on and my eyes immediately focus on her crotch to look for camel toe," he tweeted March 15. He also posted a photo gallery of naked, obese women.


During the confrontation Dluhos tried to explain himself, saying, "I've seen strangers shot and killed. I've seen families torn apart by violence. It's a damn shame that gang members ruin it for hardworking, struggling people," he added, "My stepfather's Jewish. I don't hate anybody." Ah, the good old - But my best friend is black!

According to the Post, sources indicate that the FDNY's Bureau of Investigations and Trials is currently looking into offensive social media posts from other members. However, the source, a retired EMS veteran, said that this "is not an isolated case," adding, "He's a symptom of a sick system. If you work in the city for police, fire or EMS and tell me you're surprised by this, you're a liar."

[via NYT, NYP, Gothamist ]