In a weird way, this makes perfect sense: legendary sex-slaving, tank-driving action star Steven Seagal and Russian president/famed shirtless athlete Vladimir Putin had lunch today before watching a judo competition together in Russia. What seems like a one-time meeting of similar minds is actually just the latest get together between apparent old buddies. As Dmitry Peskov, Putin's spokesperson, put it:

"Putin and Seagal have long been friends, and they regularly meet each other," Peskov said.

The visit was reportedly part of Putin's plan to revive a Soviet-era fitness program.

"I think it would be quite appropriate to recall the positive experience of past decades when the so-called GTO, Ready for Labour and Defence, was in use in our country," he said. The GTO mass physical training program was introduced in the 1930s under Stalin.

"The revival of this system - in a new, modern format - could bring major benefits," Putin told government officials, schoolteachers and coaches

And this happened too.

In what seemed to be a choreographed incident, Seagal rushed into a crowd of children trying to pose with Putin and pulled him out, as if acting as his bodyguard.

"Kids, remain calm, it's a great honor to take pictures with the president of Russia," the announcer said.

Classic dictator-style humor.

But what did they talk about, aside from Stalin-inspired fitness regiments? Martial arts? How Sheriff Joe Arpaio would've handled the Pussy Riot situation? Or was it just Seagal giving DVD-type commentary on the making of all-time classic film Above the Law?

[via Daily Intelligencer]