Max Abelson, a Bloomberg reporter who specializes in stories that make very rich and powerful finance guys look like horrible assholes, today turns his attention to Andrew Hall, the oil trader who received a $100 million annual payday from Citigroup just after the entire global economy collapsed, thereby becoming a bit of a... negative symbol, in the public's mind.

So what is ol' Andy Hall doing with all that god damn money? Oh, just buying up huge chunks of a small Vermont town, opening an "appointment-only art museum," and generally becoming the Lorde and Baron of All He Surveyeth in Reading, Vermont.

His farm makes wood-fired maple syrup, which it sells for $65 a gallon, as well as botanical soaps, ice cider, wildflower honey, eggs and Berkshire-pig breakfast sausages, its website shows. The products are available in Vermont and Connecticut stores and online.

Newhall is "preserving Vermont's heritage for our farm and your future," according to the website, which lists "heritage breed Berkshire pigs," "heritage breed chickens," and "Randall Cattle, Vermont's only declared Heritage Breed." There's also a reference to "old-fashioned heritage" in the maple syrup section.

The primary source of Vermont's heritage: the world's richest oil trader.

[Bloomberg. And oh god please don't miss the part about the nude portrait.]