A now-former computer engineering student at Florida State University Panama City has reportedly admitted to "hacking" the school's wireless Internet network, causing all users to be automatically redirected to the infamous shock website meatspin.com.

Officers arrested 26-year-old Benjamin Blouin and charged him with felony offenses against computer users over the "hack," which took place on March 1.

Official details concerning the duration of the "hack" and the number of users exposed to the pornographic website's notorious "spinning penis" remain unavailable, but Blouin says the entire thing lasted about 30 minutes.

In a statement to the press, FSU PC rep Becky Kelly said the school's wifi network has subsequently been upgraded, and users are now required to use a login to access the system.

"That's how it should be," Blouin told the News Herald. "That's how it is on every campus."

Blouin maintains that he was merely trying to bring the network's lax security issue to the attention of school officials, as he had been doing all year long.

In his defense, Blouin says he didn't specifically choose meatspin.com — it was the default website of his "hacking app."

[H/T: BetaBeat, mug shot via BCSO]