[There was a video here]

The chicest, shriekingest skull in all the land, Naomi Campbell, ran the gamut of human emotions on last night's episode of Oxygen's reality modeling competition-cum-sorority rush The Face. As coach/mentor for three of the show's aspiring models, she ranted, she raved, she condescended, she laughed manically, she cried crocodile tears of cold-blooded joy, she rounded corners ominously.

My favorite things in the highlights reel above are:

3. "Cuz I'm cuz I'm cuz I'm."

2. "They may be angry, it's an emotion to have," which is such post-phone-throwing therapy rationalizing.

1. When she shouts at her group and then shouts at them for shouting. It reminds me of the impossible-to-win confrontation between Corky St. Clair and Lloyd Miller in Waiting for Guffman ("Why are you whispering? I'm right here...Now it's too loud. Just talk like a normal person."). In fact, if you watch this show (or any reality show, really) as a Christopher Guest mockumentary — as a collection of improv performances played for absurdity — it becomes a lot more entertaining.