Accused Teen Killer Confesses to Sex on Victims' Bodies

Eighteen-year-old Alisa Massaro confessed to having sex with her boyfriend, 24-year-old Joshua Miner, on the bodies of two men that Joliet, Ill. police say the pair killed in January, according to the Joliet Patch (yes! The Joliet Patch!), which has obtained police reports detailing the accounts of the four suspects in the deaths of Terrance Rankins and Eric Glover, both 22. Glover and Rankins were killed on January 10, allegedly when Miner, Massaro, 19-year-old Adam Landerman, and 18-year-old Bethany McKee lured them inside a house and strangled them to death.
According to the reports, Miner was inspired by a girlfriend who'd said she'd fantasized about necrophilia:
Miner [asked] girlfriend Alisa Massaro to have sex with him on the corpses of two men he's accused of helping to kill, police said.
Massaro "made a smirk on her face" and said she didn't want to, according to the reports, but when being questioned by police, she "later acknowledged she and Josh did have sexual intercourse on top of the bodies.
All four are facing first-degree murder charges. The cops found them playing video games at Massaro's house, where they'd robbed and killed Rankins and Glover; according to police reports, they'd attempted to dismember the bodies. And that's not all:
"McKee related that during the night that Josh wanted to put the bodies together, which they did, side by side and they put something over the bodies, which was beige in color and they were going to have sex on top of the bodies," a report said. "McKee relates that she did not stick around for that ..."
McKee also told police Landerman may have been involved, too.
"McKee did relate that she thought Adam and Alisa had sex because they were talking about having a three-way on top of the bodies that were laying on the floor," a report stated.
The Joliet Patch says it will publish a second installment in its "Nightmare on Hickory Street" series later today.