A woman who had her diamond engagement ring returned to her by a homeless man after she accidentally dropped it in his change cup says she likes the ring even more now.

"I actually feel like I'm especially lucky to have this ring now," Sarah Darling of Kansas City, Missouri, told CNN. " I loved it before. I loved it so much, but I love it so much more now. I feel like it has such great karma."

Darling's ring ended up in Billy Ray Harris's possession after she dumped the entire contents of change purse into his cup, having forgotten that it contained her engagement ring which she removed due to a rash on her finger.

Retracing her steps back to Harris, Darling asked the man if he had something of value that belonged to her and was shocked when he immediately forked over the ring.

"It seemed like a miracle," she told KCTV. "I thought for sure there was no way I would get it back."

To reward her homeless savior with his share of those good vibes, Darling and her husband Bill Krejci launched an online fundraiser on his behalf.

Within days, the couple's page at giveforward.com had racked up nearly $150,000 in donations.

Darling and Krejci plan to hand the money over to Harris when the fundraiser ends in 80 days. By then, Harris could very well be a full-fledged millionaire

KCTV tracked Harris down to ask him what he made of the fundraiser and all the attention surrounding his good deed.

"I like it, but I don't think I deserve it," Harris told CBS affiliate. "What I actually feel like is, 'what has the world come to when a person who returns something that doesn't belong to him and all this happens?'"

[screengrab via giveforward]