The Lynchian Panda-Clinton Oral Sex Video Produced by a Powerful Tea Party Group

FreedomWorks, the influential Tea Party political action committee, has fallen on hard times since its former chair Dick Armey staged a literal armed coup in an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to wrest control from president Matt Kibbe. It's a shame, too, because they were doing such good work—like making experimental films featuring a panda performing oral sex on Hillary Clinton!
From David Corn in Mother Jones:
Some FreedomWorks staffers worried last year about a promotional video created ahead of FreePAC, a FreedomWorks conference [...] In one segment of the film, according to a former official who saw it, Brandon is seen waking from a nap at his desk. In what appears to be a dream or a nightmare, he wanders down a hallway and spots a giant panda on its knees with its head in the lap of a seated Hillary Clinton and apparently fellating the then-secretary of state. Two female interns at FreedomWorks were recruited to play the panda and Clinton. One intern wore a Hillary Clinton mask. The other wore a giant panda suit that FreedomWorks had used at protests to denounce progressives as panderers.
As one FreedomWorks official puts it to Corn: "How was that not some form of sexual harassment?" I don't know, anonymous FreedomWorks official. Is film sexual harassment? Is art sexual harassment? FreedomWorks is currently undertaking an "internal investigation."