Passengers Stranded on Disabled Cruise Ship Describe Power Outages and 'Sewage Running Down the Walls'

Things aren't sounding so great for the 4,200 passengers stranded aboard the disabled Carnival Triumph cruise ship, which is currently being towed by two boats through the Gulf of Mexico to Mobile, Alabama, one day after a fire disabled the ship's engines. ABC News is now reporting the ship has limited access to running water and power, and there are also reports of passengers using buckets as makeshift toilets.
Brett Nutt, whose wife is aboard the ship, described the conditions to ABC.
"She said there's no running water. They just really got food there to them tonight, and there's no power whatsoever, other than the emergency flasher lights that are on," he said. "She was crying and hysterical."
CNN interviewed Toby Barlow, whose wife is also aboard the Triumph. She told Barlow that "sewage is running down the walls and floors" and described the lines for food as hours long.
According to a statement from the U.S. Coast Guard, there is no air conditioning in the ship's rooms; as a result, all passengers were being forced to sleep in tents on the ship's decks.
There is some good news for the passengers, relatively speaking. For starters, the tow boats arrived earlier tonight, and a Carnival representative told ABC some of the ship's bathrooms are "back online," whatever that means. Passengers will also receive a full refund via a credit for a future trip on Carnival (because surely all passengers are anxious for another cruise voyage soon), plus reimbursement for any expenses.
The bad news? The ship won't arrive in Alabama until Thursday, meaning passengers have another three days to hang out in horrid conditions on a ship being towed through six-foot seas. The only thing worse, it seems, than a vacation on a cruise is a vacation to Acapulco.
[Image via AP]