Students, parents, and at least one teacher at Sullivan High School in Sullivan, Indiana, have come together in support for a "traditional prom" that prohibits gays from attending.

Those who met yesterday at the Sullivan First Christian Church to discuss the possibility of holding a "separate but equal" prom say others agree with their idea but are reluctant to speak up.

"If we can get a good prom then we can convince more people to come and follow what they believe," student Kynon Johnson told NBC 2.

"We want to make the public see that we love the homosexuals, but we don't think it's right nor should it be accepted," said student Bonnie McCammon.

Along with parents and local pastors who supported the throwback initiative, one teacher also spoke out in favor of the homophobic prom.

"I believe that it was life circumstances and they chose to be that way; God created everyone equal," said special ed teacher Diana Medley. "Homosexual students come to me with their problems, and I don't agree with them, but I care about them. It's the same thing with my special needs kids, I think God puts everyone in our lives for a reason."

Asked if she thought gays also "have a purpose in live," Medley responded, "No, I honestly don't. Sorry, but I don't."

Meanwhile, a counter campaign has been launched by Sullivan students who believe prom should be for all students.

In the comments of the now-defunct "2013 Sullivan Traditional Prom" Facebook page, one student noted that many at the high school disagree with their classmates' call for a "traditional prom," and emphasized that the school itself does not support banning gays from prom.

"Sullivan High School is ACCEPTING the same-sex couples and the staff at SHS is for the same-sex couples going and so are the majority of student and people in the community," the student wrote. "I absolutely hate how my town is getting called Anti-Gay Bigots because a few "Christians" are planning a separate prom! Not all of Sullivan is like that I can damn well guarantee it."

Correction: A previous version of this post misidentified the Sullivan student who spoke out against the "traditional prom" as gay. That student is, in fact, straight.

[screengrab via NBC 2]