18-year-old Penelope Soto became the face of a movement earlier this week after she flipped off a judge during her own bond hearing.

The South Florida teen returned to the same courtroom today, but the flippant demeanor that made her Internet famous did not.

"My behavior was very irrational, and I apologize not only to the court and you, but to my family," Soto told Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat through tears.

Earlier this week, a different judge sentenced Soto to complete a drug-treatment program after she admitted to possession of 26 Xanax bars.

Judge Rodriguez-Chomat remarked during today's hearing that Soto looked "completely different." He agreed to vacate her 30-day contempt sentence, saying he didn't want her to be labeled a convicted felon.

Before they parted ways, hopefully for good, Rodriguez-Chomat wished Soto success in completing her drug program and overcoming her addiction.

Under the terms of her sentence, Soto's drug charges will be dropped if she follows through with rehab.

[screengrab via WTSP]