Police in Helena, Montana, say a man who was robbing a local Papa John's had a sudden change of heart while being handed the cash.

According to Helena Police Chief Troy McGee, an unidentified man wearing a black hoodie and red bandanna attempted to rob the pizza shop with a threatening note.

But after the cashier began handing over the money, the man suddenly broke down in tears. He reportedly said he was forced to rob the restaurant to feed his hungry wife and child.

The cashier seized the opportunity and successfully talked the man out of going through with the robbery, offering instead to give him a pizza pie, some wings, and a soda.

After waiting for his food to be prepared, the suspect, who was armed with a knife, took the consolation prize and left.

"In Helena, I don't recall recently something like this has happened," said McGee. "We have had a few in the past where people have changed their minds. But actually sitting down and waiting for the food and that sort of thing, no."

He added that police were still attempting to locate the would-be robber, but were not sure what to charge him with.

Earlier this week, a man in Alabama was also convinced to abandon his robbery of a Starbucks in exchange for a cup of coffee.

[screengrab via Beartooth NBC]