[There was a video here]

We're seeing the first previews of Manti Te'o's interview with Katie Couric, set to air tomorrow. In the clip, Couric flat out asks Te'o why he ran with the story about his dead girlfriend, even after learning the whole thing was a hoax on Dec. 6.

"Katie, put yourself in my situation," Te'o pleads in response.

If the clip above is an accurate depiction of the entire interview, set to air tomorrow on Couric's daytime talk show Katie, Te'o won't be regaining any popularity.

The truth behind the bizarre story is likely one of two options: that Te'o is incredibly naïve, perhaps even stupid, or that Te'o deliberately mislead the public for a combination of attention, sympathy and Heisman votes. If the first option is true, as Te'o claims, his interview should not simply be a confirmation of truths, but an admission of his naiveté. With this answer, however, Te'o seems to be arguing this could have happened to anyone, and that he still believes not opening up about the hoax was the right move.

Or, this could just be a well-edited promotional clip. We'll see tomorrow.