You may remember American Idol season three winner Fantasia Barrino from winning the third season of American Idol. What you may not know is that Fantasia isn't really cool with gay marriage — and she took to Instagram to let everyone know while also working out her own persecution complex. The image has been deleted, but here's the text:

"I rise above it all! The world is gone mad. Kids, the government, the church house … everybody trying! It's a lot that going on that the Bible speaks about we should not be doing. Weed legal in some places, gay marriage legal but yet I'm judged! Im not doing nothing for you … my life!"

The blowback was, of course, immediate — Huffington Post used the phrase "Anti-Gay Instagram Rant?" which isn't exactly right. Even as far as celebrity nonsense goes this mini-controversy would've been ephemeral... if it wasn't for this rather tone-deaf statement released by Barrino's PR reps — and, yes, they called it "Intragram."

"Comments made by Ms. Barrino through her Intragram account were recently taken far out of context, and the purpose of this release is to set the record straight," read the statement. "Ms. Barrino is not now, nor has she ever been an opponent of the LGBT community. She has supported and performed at numerous events that are sponsored by the LGBT community. Whether it's through a live performance or placement on social media, Ms. Barrino uses every opportunity to reach out and connect with her fans, all of her fans."

So, it's all cool — Fantasia has gay friends and gay fans! Right, gay fans? You will be buying her 2013 album, right? Cool. Just don't get married, thanks.

[via Crunk + Disorderly, image via Getty]