The NYPD has made progress in its attempt to unravel the murder of Brandon Lincoln Woodard, who was shot once in the head by an unknown assailant near Columbus Circle in New York on Monday afternoon. According to the New York Times, the NYPD believes it has identified the driver of the getaway car, who easily slipped into traffic after the second suspect murdered Woodard in broad daylight.

The suspect was characterized as a low-level criminal from Queens, and detectives were operating on the theory that the gunman had a similar background, the person said.

The NYPD also revealed that the getaway car — a gold Lincoln sedan — was rented from an Avis on Long Island, but not by either suspect. They also believe that the motive for Woodard's murder involved some combination of drugs and money. There was one witness to the crime — an unidentified woman — but she told police that she did not notice the suspect after hearing the gunshot.

Woodward was a law student in Los Angeles but had also been arrested at least 20 times in his adult life.

[via New York Times, image via AP]