Food stamp using and BIG_BOOBS_CARLY retweeting Newark Mayor Cory Booker has been a rumored challenger for incumbent New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for some time now. With the election just under a year away, Booker may have just accidentally announced his intention to run. In a live interview with the Huffington Post, Booker was asked if he would grade Christie's job as governor.

Booker refused, saying "I don't want to give him sort of simplistic, holistic grade." But then he added: "When I go out and campaign next year for myself as a gubernatorial candidate or for another gubernatorial candidate should I decide not to run — when I talk to crowds or to individuals advocating for whoever that candidate is, I'm not gonna do it on anything but the issues."

The event's host, Marc Lamont Hill, pushed the issue.

"Earlier when you you said, you know, 'next year when I run' ... I think maybe you caught yourself and said or 'if I don't choose to run,'" Hill said. "You know, this would be a great time to just get it out of the way. I know you said over the next two weeks you'll make an announcement — but why wait? ... Why don't we get this gubernatorial announcement out of the way?"

Booker, though, wasn't biting. "Well, you know, I appreciate that and that would make some hecka news if I made that decision, but I haven't come to a conclusion yet," he said.

Since heroics (both on Twitter and in real life) trump Springsteen fan boy-ism any day, let's hope the announcement comes soon. Then again, a Senate run from Booker is also starting to seem more and more plausible.