What were the most powerful images of the year? Which images inspired you, which images moved you to tears, and which images broke your heart? Sure, you could look at Buzzfeed's list of 45 "incredibly inspiring pictures" ("warning: Some of these may break your heart") — but who has time to scroll through 45 pictures? We've got our own list of the 19 Most Powerful Images of 2012 here. Warning: some of these may break your heart.

1. The amazing story of a sailor who overcame high odds.

2. The Space Shuttle Enterprise flying high above the Big Apple

3. A Photograph... of Mars

4. A Palestinian girl raises her fist against an Israeli soldier

5. Protestors in Georgia demonstrate in memory of slain teen Trayvon Martin

6. A man thinks about his life during floods in the Netherlands

7. A Syrian man carries his daughter to safety as the government shells Aleppo

8. Two firefighters in the aftermath of a Philadelphia warehouse fire that killed two

9. A statue of the Virgin Mary amidst the wreckage of Breezy Point, Queens

10. A Greek protestor kicks riot police right in the shield

11. A pig... that pooped on its own balls

12. Chilean students protect themselves from riot police

13. Palestinians celebrate the Gaza cease-fire

14. NASA celebrates the successful landing of the Curiosity Rover

15. A Muslim family from Myanmar pleads with a Bangladeshi official to prevent his family's deportation

16. A couple discovers that their family records survived the fire in Breezy Point

17. U.S. athletes celebrate their gold-medal win in wheelchair tennis

18. South Africans protest their jailing of their mine-worker family members

19. A riot cop in Athens stands next to a wall of flames during an anti-austerity protest

[images via AP, Getty]