The Tennessee Republican Party's nominee for Nashville's Congressional seat was arrested on Sunday and charged with domestic assault.

Brad Staats, a "family-matters" conservative who championed "traditional marriage" and "social values," lost the election to Democratic incumbent Jim Cooper by 85,000 votes (over 30 percent).

On Sunday, police were called to his home by his wife, Bethany. She told officers Staats had slapped her in the face and left a red mark on her cheek.

A police affidavit [PDF] confirmed her statement.

"Mr. Staats when questioned stated that during a verbal argument he pushed his wife Ms. Staats down onto a bed then left the location," read the affidavit.

Reached for comment by the Tennessean, Staats would not comment on the incident except to the situation was "not what it appears to be."

Staats was booked into Davidson County Jail on a charge of misdemeanor domestic assault. He was released after posting a $5,000 bond.

Staats made national headlines last month when he posted a photo of a handgun on his Facebook page along with the words "welcome to Tennessee Mr. Obama." He later denied making a threat against the President's life.

[screengrab via Brad Staats for Congress, mug shot via The Tennessean]