Silvan Shalom, the Vice Prime Minister of Israel, just had his Facebook and Twitter accounts completely compromised by a group that calls themselves the ZCompany Hacking Crew.

The hackers behind the Veep's Facebook account posted pro-Palestinian messages like this one:

His cover photo was also changed from a picture of a meeting between Israeli heads of state, to a banner featuring the phrase "Free Palestine":

But Twitter was where the hackers hit Shalom the hardest. They posted 18 messages over an hour which included such phrases as "Palestine we love you" and "The Medias lies don't work anymore."

Earlier this week, The ZCompany Hacking Crew broke into the website of the English Defence League, a far-right British organization. They put up anti-Israel messages like "Fuck Zionist Jews! – Boycot israel! – Fuck the American Government! - Fuck fascist Organizations like EDL."

[Image via AP]