When two black guys make fists and then bump their fists together and then say to one another, "Respec," with no "t" on the end: what is that all about? Middle-aged white Republican male Jay Nordlinger knows.

Jay Nordlinger is an editor for conservative magazine National Review, currently on a National Review-sponsored cruise to Jamaica, with a bunch of fellow National Review types. He is, in other words, in touch with the streets. And whilst mingling with the Jamaican locals, Nordlinger observed a bizarre and unexplained phenomenon: "Many, many offer knuckles - you know that kind of handshake, a "fist bump" - and say, "Respect" (often with the "t" dropped off)."

What an odd local custom. What exactly are these consonant-disregarding bohemians doing? Fortunately, Jay Nordlinger received a letter from a friend who "once worked as a bouncer in L.A." (streetwise, tough guy, no need to get into all the unsavory details, heheh). And lo, the mystery is solved. His friend writes:

Knuckles and "Respect." Now I know where that came from. We used to do it all the time in the clubs in L.A. I didn't think much of it. But now that I am, I remember it was one of my buds, a dude from the South Bronx, of Jamaican heritage, who started it.

There you have it: if you have ever given someone a pound and said "respect," you have Jay Nordlinger's bouncer friend's bud to thank. Send him some of that old wacky weed as a tribute, he'd probably enjoy that heheheh.

Jay Nordlinger adds, "By the way, the first time I saw the fist bump, it was on the PGA Tour." Real quote.

[NRO. Photo: WEF/ Flickr]