Taliban Rep Literally LOLs at Petraeus Sex Scandal

After years of fighting, it seems the West has finally found some common ground with the Taliban: Both find the Petraeus sex scandal highly amusing.
Asked by an AFP reporter to comment on the Petraeus affair, an unnamed Taliban in Afghanistan official described as "stony-faced" literally laughed out loud.
But the potential ice breaker soon melted:
The Islamists dealt harshly with adulterers during their brutal 1996-2001 rule in Afghanistan, dishing out public floggings for offenders.
The traditional moral code of the Pashtuns, the main ethnic group the Taliban draw their members from, also demands severe punishment for adulterers.
"From a Pashtun point of view, Petraeus should be shot by relatives from his mistress's family," the Taliban official explained.
"From a Shariah point of view, he should be stoned to death."
Still, much like the majority of Americans, the Taliban rep didn't think it was that big a deal.
"It's quite normal for Americans and Western people to behave like this," he said. "They live in free sex societies where nobody cares about this sort of thing, so what do you expect?"