Homeland and now ex-CIA leader David Petraeus might be getting most of the spy-related attention this weekend, and rightfully so, but a shit ton of people still paid to see the new James Bond movie, Skyfall. The film grossed $87.8 million over the weekend, giving it best Bond debut ever.

Last weekend's number one, the surely awful apparently not bad (and salmonella-carrying) Wreck-It Ralph brought in $33 million, and Denzel Washington, Budweiser's favorite functional alcoholic, piloted (winces) Flight to another $15.1 million.

And Argo is still doing okay with $6.7 million in its fourth week. Considering that's the only movie I've seen of the bunch, it gets my Official Endoresment for Film to See With Your Family Over Thanksgiving That Pretty Much Everyone Will Enjoy (unless someone in the family is the sort to use it as an excuse to launch into an anti-Iran/Muslim tirade, in which case: hey, our families are similar!)

Did anyone see Skyfall? Is it really the Dark Knight of James Bond movies? And was anyone brave enough to battle the crowds in one of the eleven theaters currently showing Lincoln (which pulled in $900,000)?

[Image via AP]