Chris Christie Congratulates Obama by Phone, Tells Mitt Romney Tough Luck by Email

Chris Christie, who is already being blamed by conservatives for costing Republicans the election with his refusal to be political during a time of crisis for his state, revealed to reporters today that he has yet to speak with Mitt Romney despite having already phoned President Obama to congratulate him on his reelection.
"We didn't have a political strategy discussion. I said, `Congratulations on your win last night, Mr. President," said Christie, who has been chatting regularly with Obama since Hurricane Sandy struck New Jersey last month.
And how did Christie reach out to Mitt Romney, the candidate he endorsed last October effectively solidifying his nomination, according to USA Today? By Email.
"No," Christie responded after being asked if he had spoken to Romney since he lost the election. "We exchanged e-mails last night. We haven't spoken on the phone yet."
[photo via AP]