[There was a video here]

At a news conference today, Governor Cuomo gave the first estimate on exactly what the cost of Hurricane Sandy is going to be, stating that the storm cost the mid-Atlantic region $50 billion and New York state specifically $33 billion. Assuming this number does not go up (it likely will) Hurricane Sandy is officially the second-costliest hurricane in U.S. history.

Cumo also gave an update on the Hurricane Sandy efforts, which were slowed due to last night's nor'easter. Power crews were set back, increasing the number of people in the state without power.

After Gov. Cuomo provided all the essential recovery statistics, he discussed the long-term effects of the storm. Specifically, Cuomo discussed storm prevention and ways to ensure that this doesn't happen again. He said rebuilding will require a "rethinking, redesign of how we protect this metropolitan area."

Cuomo touches on a frightening and very real fear, after two hurricanes in two years, is this just the status quo now?