Looting was still a significant concern for many in New York City as Nor'easter Athena approached and hundreds of thousands remained without power days after Hurricane Sandy.

Though the number of crimes reported around the city in the past week decreased by 27 percent over the same time last year, at least one of New York's Finest confessed to The Guardian that certain types of looting were acceptable.

Buried in a Guardian article on Sandy recovery in the Rockaways being hampered by the nor'easter, NYPD officer Anthony DiCarlo made a "startling admission for a law enforcement officer" as he was helping sort food items at a local gym.

"It's snow, it's cold. People are fending for themselves," the then-off-duty cop said. "Looting, to me, is acceptable if you're looting for your baby or your family."

DiCarlo did draw the line at looting a "60 inch flat-screen TV," which he said was not acceptable.

A total of 80,000 homes in the Rockaways are currently without electricity after Athena knocked out power to 16,000 additional customers. Some around the city have taken the law into their own hands, arming themselves with knives and swords in self-defense.

"You can't go there after dark anymore," Rockaways resident William Gavin told Newsday. "It's a good way to get a gun pulled on you."

[photo via AP]