Sometimes after a long day rubbing self-tanner on John Boehner, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi needs a break. And if stretching her feet out and having a glass of pinot gris at her swanky pad in Napa Valley is what does the trick, then that's her prerogative.

Except now she can't. Because one of you fools broke into her home in Napa Valley on Monday night, just one day before she was re-elected to her congressional seat in San Francisco. Napa County Sheriff's deputies responded to a break-in at Pelosi's home, located on the aptly named Zinfandel Lane. What about the pool house, you ask, because there's always a pool house. Someone smashed the pool house door in too, thank you very much.

It is still unclear whether anything was actually stolen from the home.

[Via San Francisco Chronicle // Image via AP]